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* fsutil.h --
* Declarations of utility routines used by all the file system modules.
* This file defines handle types and some sub-structures
* that are embedded in various types of handles. A
* "handle" is a data structure that corresponds one-for-one
* with a file system object, i.e. a particular file, a device,
* a pipe, or a pseudo-device. A handle is not always one-for-one
* with a file system name. Devices can have more than one name,
* and pseudo-devices have many handles associated with one name.
* Each handle is identfied by a unique Fs_FileID, and has a standard
* header for manipulation by generic routines.
* Copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/fsutil/RCS/fsutil.h,v 9.14 91/05/30 15:02:46 kupfer Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _FSUTIL
#define _FSUTIL
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <fs.h>
#include <fsconsist.h>
#include <hash.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <kernel/fs.h>
#include <kernel/fsconsist.h>
#include <kernel/hash.h>
#include <kernel/proc.h>
#include <kernel/vm.h>
#include <kernel/rpc.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
/* constants */
* Define the types of files that we care about in the kernel, for such
* things as statistics gathering, write-through policy, etc. There is not
* necessarily a one-to-one mapping between these and the types defined
* in user/fs.h as FS_USER_TYPE_*; for example, FS_USER_TYPE_BINARY and
* FS_USER_TYPE_OBJECT were mapped into FSUTIL_FILE_TYPE_DERIVED before they
* were separated into two categories. It would be possible to flag other
* derived files (text formatting output, for example) to be in the DERIVED
* category as well.
* How often to try rewriting a file.
/* data structures */
* Files or devices with remote I/O servers need to keep some recovery
* state to handle recovery after their server reboots.
typedef struct Fsutil_RecoveryInfo {
Sync_Lock lock; /* This struct is monitored */
Sync_Condition reopenComplete; /* Notified when the handle has been
* re-opened at the I/O server */
int flags; /* defined in fsRecovery.c */
ReturnStatus status; /* Recovery status */
Fsio_UseCounts use; /* Client's copy of use state */
} Fsutil_RecoveryInfo;
* Statistics for testing recovery.
typedef struct Fsutil_FsRecovNamedStats {
Fs_FileID fileID; /* Unique id for object. */
Boolean streamHandle; /* Is this a stream handle? */
int mode; /* Mode of stream. */
int refCount; /* Ref count on IO handle. */
int streamRefCount; /* Ref count on stream. */
int numBlocks; /* Number of blocks in cache. */
int numDirtyBlocks; /* Number dirty cache blocks. */
char name[50]; /* Name of object. */
} Fsutil_FsRecovNamedStats;
extern Boolean fsconsist_Debug;
* Whether or not to flush the cache at regular intervals.
extern Boolean fsutil_ShouldSyncDisks;
extern int fsutil_NumRecovering;
/* procedures */
* Fsutil_StringNCopy
* Copy the null terminated string in srcStr to destStr and return the
* actual length copied in *strLengthPtr. At most numBytes will be
* copied if the string is not null-terminated.
#define Fsutil_StringNCopy(numBytes, srcStr, destStr, strLengthPtr) \
Proc_StringNCopy(numBytes, srcStr, destStr, strLengthPtr)
* Macros to handle type casting when dealing with handles.
#define Fsutil_HandleFetchType(type, fileIDPtr) \
(type *)Fsutil_HandleFetch(fileIDPtr)
#define Fsutil_HandleDupType(type, handlePtr) \
(type *)Fsutil_HandleDup((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr)
#define Fsutil_HandleLock(handlePtr) \
Fsutil_HandleLockHdr((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr)
#define Fsutil_HandleUnlock(handlePtr) \
(void)Fsutil_HandleUnlockHdr((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr)
#define Fsutil_HandleRelease(handlePtr, locked) \
Fsutil_HandleReleaseHdr((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr, locked)
#define Fsutil_HandleRemove(handlePtr) \
Fsutil_HandleRemoveHdr((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr)
#define Fsutil_HandleName(handlePtr) \
((((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr) == (Fs_HandleHeader *)NIL) ? \
"(no handle)": \
((((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr)->name == (char *)NIL) ? "(no name)" : \
((Fs_HandleHeader *)handlePtr)->name) )
#define Fsutil_TimeInSeconds() (Timer_GetUniversalTimeInSeconds())
#define mnew(type) (type *)malloc(sizeof(type))
#ifdef SOSP91
* We are borrowing a couple of bits from the handle to record the read/write
* status of the stream. Each stream has a handle so we can get away with
* this.
#define FSUTIL_RW_FLAGS 0x300
#define FSUTIL_RW_READ 0x100
#define FSUTIL_RW_WRITE 0x200
extern void Fsutil_RecoveryInit _ARGS_((Fsutil_RecoveryInfo *recovPtr));
extern void Fsutil_RecoverySyncLockCleanup _ARGS_((
Fsutil_RecoveryInfo *recovPtr));
extern void Fsutil_WantRecovery _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern void Fsutil_AttemptRecovery _ARGS_((ClientData data,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fsutil_WaitForRecovery _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr,
ReturnStatus rpcStatus));
extern Boolean Fsutil_RecoveryNeeded _ARGS_((Fsutil_RecoveryInfo *recovPtr));
extern void Fsutil_Reopen _ARGS_((int serverID, ClientData clientData));
extern Boolean Fsutil_RemoteHandleScavenge _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern void Fsutil_ClientCrashed _ARGS_((int spriteID, ClientData clientData));
extern void Fsutil_ClientCrashed _ARGS_((int spriteID, ClientData clientData));
extern void Fsutil_RemoveClient _ARGS_((int clientID));
* Wait list routines. Waiting lists for various conditions are kept
* hanging of I/O handles.
extern void Fsutil_WaitListInsert _ARGS_((List_Links *list,
Sync_RemoteWaiter *waitPtr));
extern void Fsutil_WaitListNotify _ARGS_((List_Links *list));
extern void Fsutil_FastWaitListInsert _ARGS_((List_Links *list,
Sync_RemoteWaiter *waitPtr));
extern void Fsutil_FastWaitListNotify _ARGS_((List_Links *list));
extern void Fsutil_WaitListDelete _ARGS_((List_Links *list));
extern void Fsutil_WaitListRemove _ARGS_((List_Links *list,
Sync_RemoteWaiter *waitPtr));
* File handle routines.
extern void Fsutil_HandleInit _ARGS_((int fileHashSize));
extern Boolean Fsutil_HandleInstall _ARGS_((Fs_FileID *fileIDPtr,
int size, char *name, Boolean cantBlock, Fs_HandleHeader **hdrPtrPtr));
extern Fs_HandleHeader *Fsutil_HandleFetch _ARGS_((Fs_FileID *fileIDPtr));
extern Fs_HandleHeader *Fsutil_HandleFetchNoWait _ARGS_((Fs_FileID *fileIDPtr,
Boolean *wouldWaitPtr));
extern Fs_HandleHeader *Fsutil_HandleDup _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern Fs_HandleHeader *Fsutil_GetNextHandle _ARGS_((Hash_Search *hashSearchPtr));
extern void Fsutil_HandleLockHdr _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern void Fsutil_HandleIncRefCount _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr,
int amount));
extern void Fsutil_HandleDecRefCount _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern void Fsutil_HandleInvalidate _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern Boolean Fsutil_HandleValid _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern Boolean Fsutil_HandleUnlockHdr _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern void Fsutil_HandleReleaseHdr _ARGS_(( Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr,
Boolean locked));
extern void Fsutil_HandleRemoveHdr _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern Boolean Fsutil_HandleAttemptRemove _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
extern void Fsutil_HandleRemoveInt _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr));
* Miscellaneous.
extern void Fsutil_FileError _ARGS_((Fs_HandleHeader *hdrPtr, char *string,
int status));
extern void Fsutil_PrintStatus _ARGS_((int status));
extern char *Fsutil_FileTypeToString _ARGS_((int type));
extern ReturnStatus Fsutil_DomainInfo _ARGS_((Fs_FileID *fileIDPtr,
Fs_DomainInfo *domainInfoPtr));
extern int Fsutil_HandleDescWriteBack _ARGS_((Boolean shutdown, int domain));
extern void Fsutil_SyncProc _ARGS_((ClientData data,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr));
extern void Fsutil_Sync _ARGS_((unsigned int writeBackTime, Boolean shutdown));
extern void Fsutil_SyncStub _ARGS_((ClientData data));
extern ReturnStatus Fsutil_WaitForHost _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, int flags,
ReturnStatus rpcStatus));
extern int Fsutil_TraceInit _ARGS_((void));
extern int Fsutil_PrintTraceRecord _ARGS_((ClientData clientData, int event,
Boolean printHeaderFlag));
extern void Fsutil_PrintTrace _ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
extern ReturnStatus Fsutil_RpcRecovery _ARGS_((ClientData srvToken,
int clientID, int command, Rpc_Storage *storagePtr));
extern void Fsutil_HandleScavengeStub _ARGS_((ClientData data));
extern void Fsutil_HandleScavenge _ARGS_((ClientData data,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr));
extern char *Fsutil_GetFileName _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fsutil_FsRecovInfo _ARGS_((int length,
Fsutil_FsRecovNamedStats *resultPtr, int *lengthNeededPtr));
extern int Fsutil_TestForHandles _ARGS_((int serverID));
#endif /* _FSUTIL */